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Has March made you laugh yet?

Gina Topliff Frost

By Ginjo

Stories of the day are the butt of stand-up comedians’ jokes and material for television, films, comedies and newspapers.

Sophie Willan is a perfect example of putting the dark side of life in the stream of comedy. ‘Alma’s Not Normal’. We know, Sophie. She used to pop into our theatre, 3MT. She is also featured in the Afflecks 40thyear Anniversary book; an aside, so are we, at the back of the book. 3MT was in Afflecks for almost ten years. A lotta, lotta, lotta laughs there.

I wonder what stops people from having a go at wrapping their world into a comedy in a media form they are comfortable with? Mine is because some of the family members are still alive. They may take offense. They’ve no sense of humour. As a performer, I would use musical theatre. As we, Ginjo, (Gina and John) have done in our current show 'Summer Dreaming' The Musical.

I wonder how long it will be before the popular comedians start referencing the demise of Silicone Valley Bank in their stand up material?

We’ve been asked by our comedian friend to help her with a video this Monday.

Can’t say who and where. It’ll blow the whole idea out of the window.

Have you been inspired yet? Are you curious about the headlines mentioned?

Do you feel lucky to be living in such an informative and sometimes dangerous world? If the technology age had been born in my generation (the 60 and 70’s) I would have been all over it. I suppose I am to a certain extent at 65. My third-age.

I have always loved to hear people laugh. That is why I still produce 20th century style comedy shows with my writer and musician husband John. In the 70’s Saturday night on tele was all comedy. I was performing then in the church hall but it was the comedy shows of the day that made me belly laugh!

Working in the industry when an adult meant we (GinJo) were able to watch other visiting artistes. The comedians made you belly laugh doing the silliest of things. Pretending to fall off stage whilst stepping down to the audience. Adults need to play and laugh too, don’t they? The communication of mime and physical comedy is rich in comedic forms. Masks. Mime.

We have a wrestler in Summer Dreaming the Musical. He is Welsh and born a physical comic. He is always thinking up ways to make people laugh.

During lockdown GinJo developed a game: The Game of Play. Life is a game. To us It means adults need to play the game of life for fun. Actors do it all the time. Why not you?

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